Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birthday Partay...

Flower Themed of course! We had a blast! Claire was taking it all in but we loved it! I was sick the week of so I had some amazing help! So thanks for saving the day everyone! Here is a Recap of Claire's First Birthday.... I can't believe I am blogging this... I am kind of sad! :( We have to wait a whole year until next time! Thank you to all that came to celebrate and for the great gifts!

So fun

some seating

some yummy treats

YES I made this cake, thanks to my Oma who so 
thoughtfully gave me a cricut cake!

some yum chocolates

Thanks Mom

soup, salad, rolls, cake and treats!!!!!

Gifts, we gave everyone a C/D of Claires very favorite
top 12 hits for 2011.ha

Claire only has Boy-friends. Boyfriend Easton.

BoyFriend Jack.

Yep taking it in!

Happy Birthday little Clairey

Thanks Grandpa George

Oh a baby!

Oh a picnic basket

so minnie

oh a piano

Oh what a cute little Mom

Yep she rocks my world

Oh family.


cute again

So sweet

So cute!!!


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