Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sassy all the way!

Update on Claire as always she is rocking my world! Our world! She is talking a lot, dancing a lot, throwing fits a lot and driving me crazy a lot!!!

In the words of Claire:
"Go Away!"
"No way"
"stop it"
"Oh sweet"
"Oh baby"
"Oh cool!"
"It's okay!"
"Ginger (my parents dog)!"
"let's go!"
"Hello, hi!"
"Sasen" (Uncle Sasen)
"Deee"( for Uncle Derek)
"JAAAAKE"( Uncle Jake because we always yell at him! ha)
oh and our family favorite.....Aubrye!
and she sings "na, na, na, na, na" to that song by Fun "Tonight"
and "oh baby, baby, baby ba ba ba BABY."
Crazy girl!
OUR very favorite is that we ask her where Heavenly Father lives and she points up to the sky!!! Sweetest moments so far!!! We love us some crazy Claire!

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